ResonanceFilms - Guillaume Each

Yoga and meditation

Yoga, a discipline accessible to all 



Yoga is an age-old practice that embraces both body and mind. Originating from India, this discipline aims to harmonize and balance our entire being. Yoga is not limited to just physical activity, but also includes breathing techniques, meditation and deep relaxation. 
Through a series of physical postures called asanas, yoga strengthens the body, improving flexibility, balance and posture. Asanas also help develop increased awareness of the body, its limits and its ability to relax. This holistic practice offers a path to physical, mental and spiritual well-being, promoting harmony, inner peace and personal growth. 

Roza Dance

Connect with nature...

Enter a sanctuary of peace in the heart of the forest with Roza Dance. Offering an immersive yoga experience, Roza invites you to put on your sneakers and let yourself be guided through an outdoor yoga session. Breathing the pure forest air, feeling the earth beneath your feet, and hearing the calming sounds of nature while you practice yoga is a truly liberating experience.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, Roza Danse offers you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself and with nature…

ROZA Company:

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Roza Dance
Saint Victor Equestrian Center

Deep harmony with nature and horses

Explore an original approach to well-being with the “Équi’bien-être” adult riding courses organized by Isabelle and Sylvain du Saint Victor equestrian center. These unique courses offer an enriching experience where sport, relaxation and connection with nature meet harmoniously...

Saint Victor Equestrian Center, 4 Ferme Saint Victor in Autrêches -

Non-contractual. Pexels / Helena Lopes
On the program (of your choice):
  • Half a day of horse riding : you are invited to discover the fascinating world of horses, whether you are a beginner or experienced. From horse care to horseback riding to an Equi'relax activity, a great program awaits you.
  • Half a day of sport : we offer you a variety of dynamic activities such as Nordic walking, Bungy Pump and muscle awakening, led by Sylvain Ferrand, to revitalize your body and stimulate your energy.
  • Half a day of zen : led by Isabelle Pietrzykowski, she invites you to explore well-being practices such as Qi Gong, self-massage, Yin Yoga, relaxation and meditation to nourish your spirit, calm your mind and find a state of inner peace

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Sound Yoga Studio

New dimensions of well-being

For an innovative and stimulating well-being experience, turn to Sound Yoga Studio. Nestled in the heart de Compiègne, this dynamic studio has redefined the concept of wellness by offering a diverse range of sessions going well beyond traditional yoga. Open seven days a week, Sound Yoga Studio offers nearly 20 sessions per week at various times, providing optimal flexibility to fit your busy schedule.

Half of these sessions are dedicated to yoga, offering a variety of styles and levels to suit everyone's needs, whether gentle or dynamic practice, prenatal or family yoga. But what really sets Sound Yoga Studio apart are its more unusual practices such as sound relaxation, chanting, breathing, Sanskrit and meditation...

Studio Sound Yoga, 21 rue de Pierrefonds in Compiègne -

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Instant Chrysalis

An Oasis of relaxation and transformation

Immerse yourself in the world ofInstant Chrysalis, a sophrologist relaxologist expert in well-being, who guides you through a journey of relaxation and transformation... With a diverse range of services ranging from relaxation to sophrology through cardiac coherence and Ayurvedic massages, Maryvonne offers you a complete range of tools to soothe the body and mind.

Among the little-known but incredibly beneficial activities offered by Instant Chrysalide, Yoga Nidra and Afghan March stand out…

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Yoga Nidra also known as “mindful sleep yoga,” is a guided meditation practice that takes you into a state of deep relaxation while remaining aware of your surroundings. Perfect for reducing stress, improving sleep and promoting deep physical and mental regeneration.

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The Afghan march in turn, is a method of meditative walking that combines mindful breathing, rhythmic movements and attention to the surrounding nature to create a rejuvenating walking experience that calms the mind and energizes the body.

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Non-contractual. Irina L / Pixabay

Instant Chrysalide also offers workshops “Sophro-relax” which are designed to meet the varied needs of everyone, whether to manage stress, regulate emotions, improve sleep or simply take time to recharge and refocus.

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Sophrology office, 4 rue du Trou à Loup in Saint-Étienne-Roilaye -

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